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photographer/social anthropologist

About: Thera Mjaaland

Art exhibitions

One-woman exhibitions

1998:  Mothers and daughters in Bergen City Hall og Folkets Hus in Bergen, Norway

1997:  Mothers and daughters & other family photographs, in Gallery Image, Århus, Denmark

1996:  Reisen/The journey, in Cafe Gallery Sting, Stavanger, Norway

1994:  Fotografiets mange ansikter/The diverse faces of photography, Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, DK

1993:  Den blå timen og det stumme ropet, in Photographers’ Gallery, Lund, Sweden and Sundal Kunstforening, Sunndalsøra, Norway

1991-92:  Den blå timen, in Gla’ Cafeen (91), Arendal and Cafe Opera (92), Bergen, Norway

1991:  One-woman show in Asker Kunstforening, Norway

1990:  One-woman show in Fotograficentrum, Uppsala, Sweden

1989-90:  Spor/Traces, in Preus Fotomuseum (89), Horten and Cafe Opera (90), Bergen, Norway

1988:  Sett og følt/Seen and felt, in Photographers’ Gallery in Lund, Sverige, Galleri Vikerødegården, Hamar and Sunndal Kunstlag, Norway

1987:  Henne, in Galleri Albin Upp, Oslo and Cafe Gallery, Tønsberg, Norway

1987:  One-woman show in Gla’ Cafeen, Arendal and Gjøvik Kunstforening, Norway

1986:  Speilbilder/Mirror images in Galleri Bogenloftet, Stokke and Eidsberg Kunstforening, Mysen, Norway

1984:  Til nå/Till now, in Photofactory, Chateau Neuf, Oslo, Norway

1984:  One-woman show in Sunndal Kunstlag, Sunndalsøra, Norway

1981:  One-woman show in Gallery KT, Kongsberg, Norway

1980:  Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock, UK

1979:  Debut exhibition in Preus Fotomuseum, Horten, Norway

Group-shows and collective exhibitions

2024:  Room 81. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo, Norway

2024:  Represented at the Fotobokfestival Oslo 2024, with the artist book ‘Houses/Homes’ (2000). Gamle Munch 6-15 September, Oslo, Norway

2019:  Scenography to the dance-performance Glass/Glas exhibited at Høvik Ballett’s 40-years anniversary exhibition in Studio, Høvikodden, Norway

2018:  100 Norwegian Photographers. Internet-based collective exhibition

2017:  Young Lions. Norwegian camera-based art 1977-2017. Preus Museum, Horten, Norway

2016-17: #Jeg. Preus Museum, Horten, Norway

2010-11: Portrætter fra museets samling, i Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark

2010-11: Blodig Alvor, in Bergen Kustmuseeum, Sørlandet Kunstmuseum, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Norway

2007:  Norsk Fotohistorie: frå daguerreotypi til digitalisering. Preus Museum, Horten, Norway

2003:  Norsk Gullalder/The Norwegian Golden Age, in Norsk Museum for Fotografi - Preus Fotomuseum, Horten, Norway

2002-04:  Opening Hours, touring the Nordic countries

1999:  Konstruksjon eller virkelighet/Construction or reality. Central artwork in international and Norwegian photography, in Lillehammer Kunstmuseum, Norway

1997:  Status Quo Vadis, 10th anniversary exhibition in Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark

1995:  Anniversary exhibition in Cafe Opera, Bergen, Norway

1994:  Soria Moria-utstillingen. Kjent og ukjent kunst i lokalmiljøet, Oslo, Norway.

1994:  Replik/Reply, in Fria Kulturcentrum, Karlstad, Sweden.

1993:  Planket/The fence, Stockholm, Sweden

1992-94:  Foto som kunstnerisk uttrykksform/Photography as artistic expression, Riksutstillinger, touring Norway

1992:  Menn danser. Black Box, Oslo, Norway

1991:  Norske miniatyrer/Norwegian miniatures, in Tromsø Kunstforening, Norway

1991:  Erotikk og grafikk, in Galleri Aktuell Kunst, Oslo, Norway

1990-91:  I skyggen av Nagasaki/In the shadow of Nagasaki, in Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark 

1990:  I 80-tallets ellevte time/In the eleventh hour of the eighties, in Østersund, Sweden

1989:  Kodak European Award in Arles, France

1989:   Group show. Galleri Hegdehaugsveien, Oslo, Norway

1989:  Group-show, at Hennie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, Norway

1988:  Vibrasjoner/Vibrations, Black Box, Oslo, Norway

1986:  Fotografier på Charlottenborg, fra Det kgl. Biblioteks samling, Copenhagen, Denmark

1985:  Nordic Art Photography, in Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Danmark and Galleri F15, Moss, Norway

1985:  Kvinnen, landskapet og drømmen/The woman, the landscape and the dream, in Galleri Bogenloftet, Stokke, Norway

1984:  Nordiske Gummitrykksfotografer/Nordic gum-printers, touring the Nordic countries

1984:  Summer-exhibition in Galleri Rekefabrikken, Nevlunghavn, Norway

1983:  Group-show with Herdis Maria Siegert in Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway

1983:  Group-show with Morten Haug in Preus Fotomuseum, Horten, Norway

1983:  Collective show in Galleri Daguerre, Oslo, Norway

1982:  Biannual photo exhibition in Caserta, Italy

1982:  Norsk fotografi/Norwegian photography, Reykavik, Island

1981:  Northern Lights, in Stephen White Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

1980:  Annual summer-exhibition, Seljord, Norway

Annual and biannual exhibitions

1987/89/93:  Østlandsutstillingen 

1980/82/86/88/89/90:  Fotografisk Vårutstilling 

1988:  Høstutstillingen